Thursday 8 November 2012

Si Scott

Si Scott

This is a typography piece by Si Scot and has inspired me to do my own version based on his. Scott is a freelance graphics designer who also works for other companies advertising for Sony, Absolut and Vogue.  

To help me with my further understanding of Scott’s work I have used two interviews on the websites Type for you and Design taxi, I have also looked at Si Scott’s own website. The artist’s main inspiration comes from music as he is constantly listening to music as he creates his work. To me it looks like the thin swirly lines are the beats of the music gradually sinking into the person’s ears and brain.

Scott is said to use a font that fits in with the meaning of the piece. The font is rather simple and bold on this piece, which expands with the swirls of lines added to it. To me it looks like a rather plain font so could be advertising for something, as it is rather clear on what the piece is saying.

To create these pieces Scott uses pens, pencils and fine liners to draw out the designs. The way the work is designed makes it look as if he has used illustrator or Photoshop to create it because of how careful and detailed it has been made. He also works bigger than he actually wants the final piece to be so when the piece is scanned and decreased in size the final piece will be a crisp image, this is probably how he gets the effect to look digital.    

No colour has been used on this piece but I feel that if colour were used then it would lose the effect of the detail on the person viewing it. The viewer would be looking more at the colour than the extended swirly lines.

When I look at the swirly lines in more detail you can see that the line is thinner but as it comes to a stop it gives a blob, this makes it obvious as to where the line ends and it also reminds me of ink blotting.  

Personal Response
When I first saw this piece by Si Scott I really liked it, it reminded me of something to do with fantasy. The swirls and lines extend out and look like ivy growing over the page and over taking the words. The work has inspired me to try my own piece, making a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     as it looks like something that is freer flowing and your able to draw where you feel like it you have no boundaries.

This is my own digital interpretation of Si Scott created in Photoshop. For my piece I used a well know saying `If only’. I used this saying as it is short, snappy and makes you think. I feel that my piece is quite different from Scott’s from just looking at the swirls, I think the swirls on my piece are much more swirly and it doesn’t remind me of the ivy like Si Scotts did. Just like the artist I used only the colour black as I wanted the focus on the design and not the colour. 

This is my hand drawn version of Si Scott’s typography. Just like him I used a marker pen, pencil and fine liner; I have also used the same technique of working large and then scanning the image in and making it smaller to give a crisp finished piece. Again the differences between his and mine are mainly the exaggeration of the swirls. I have continued with the exaggeration of the thick swirls like on the digital one I made. A similarity between Scott’s and mine is the fact that I have worked with the positive and negative space in the `o’ by adding swirls just like his. The font I have used doesn't look to formal and is rather rounded which would appeal to the younger generation and would rather suit a place in a fairytale book.   

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