Monday 15 October 2012

Furry font

My inspiration for my furry font is HandMade Font. They are a company which creates untraditional and unique fonts. The Company was founded in 2008; it allows people to buy the font that they have created. This piece is a font made out of things to do with the outside and gardening, their inspiration literally comes from everywhere.  

To help me with my further understanding of their work I have looked through various pieces of their work and read the information on their pages. The theme of this piece I would say is gardening and nature. The sentence says “Back To Basics” which to me means something without technology and doing it in a way that isn’t going to be easy, this can clearly be seen in the way they have designed the font. Also they look like they have taken a lot of time to create this font and make it right so this reflected in the phrase. The inspiration can clearly be seen as nature and in my opinion most ideas come from nature.
To make it I think they have used Photoshop just like me as this is not just a simple font it uses a technique which means changing the brush type and the texture to allow for it to look like grass and soil. Each of the type of brush has been specified for that type of material, in this case the grass and the soil, this creates texture. They have also added images or illustrations on the letters. This company uses very bright happy colours here, this links in with nature because I don’t see the theme of nature as something sad, I see it as happy.

Personal response
When I first saw this piece I really liked it especially the little images that comes with it, this is what makes it so interesting to me. Obviously the work reminds me of nature, but as well of my dad working in the garden at summertime. This piece has inspired me to create my own font, which relates to the outside. 

This is my piece that I have made inspired by Handmade Font. I have used the green to make it look like grass just like them, the green they have used is much darker but looks brighter and does stand out more however I think mine looks more natural. I also think that mine looks rather fluffy and soft compared to theirs, which looks rather spikey. There are bits of the font in the background that is showing and could have probably got rid of it if I thought of it later either by using the eraser or getting rid of the layer in Photoshop. I could have also placed images onto the font if I wanted to but I felt that it was not needed. The Font I used is very bold; this is so the letter would stand out even when I added the texture. 

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