Friday 14 September 2012

Hand Drawn Typography

This piece was created using ink. I squeezed dots of ink to create the letters of the name and moved the paper about to let the ink run. 
To create this piece I used the large letter stencils and then wrote my name in it repeatedly and in different colours. I did not have time to complete this piece but if I were to complete it I would change the direction of the other larger letters. I think it would also look better using a different font and changing the direction of the name Abi in the centre of the letters. I could also add doodles around the outside to do with me. 

James Hancock
Hennie Haworth

These are the two artists that I used to inspire me on my hand drawn typography. Both artists have their own different ways when it comes to making their own typography pieces. 

James Hancock started drawing at a young age he continued this through his school years and experimented with other techniques and materials to draw with. He has now been seen to be working with major print, TV and music publishing releases. 

Hennie Haworth is a freelance illustrator; this allows her to create her own pieces but because of the practice now works with major companies like Elle Magazine, Vodafone and Waitrose.

To help me with the understanding of Hancock's and Haworth's work I looked through their websites at the information given and at their other pieces of work. I also had a class discussion on describing the work and the effect it has on the person looking at it.

I would say that the technique used by both of these artists is hand drawing their designs first and then scanning it and placing it onto illustrator, they may have used Photoshop to correct anything that went wrong.

Haworth uses a range of colours in hers compared to Hancock which does make it stand out more. Hancock has only used about five colours and changes the shade of colour on some of them. I think that this can be very limiting especially if the artist was trying to convey a message. Lots of lines have clearly been used to create the words on these posters. Haworth has used shading on some of her words to create either 3D or textured effects. She has also mixed colours in the words which does also make it stand out more.

James Hancock uses more images of technology where as Hennie Haworth uses just different types of font and little images from everyday life. I think that Haworth's typography is more doodle like, however Hancock looks like quick sketches. Overall I prefer Hennie Haworth's because to me it looks more interesting as you can see the different types of font, a range of colours have been used and she has filled up the whole page.

Personal Response 
I chose to look at Hennie Haworth and James Hancock because I wanted to look at different types of font and ways to convey meaning through the use of colour, line and type.

When I first saw these pieces I really liked it, it reminds me of my high school days when me and my friends were messing around and doing little drawings in class.

On my dry piece using the large letter stencils I think my piece has been inspired by Hennie Haworth because of the use of colour. On my wet piece I feel it's been inspired by James Hancock because of the extra dashed lines and other lines coming off of it this what I have done with mine but I have not made it intentional like Hancock.

For both of my pieces the fonts are different but only one font has been used in each of them. To improve my pieces I would need to fill up the whole page, use more than one of my own fonts in one piece and add more interesting little doodles on the page.

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