Thursday, 28 February 2013

collage experiments

To create this collage I used primary and secondary source material, the primary was pictures of the features of my nieces face like the nose, eyes and mouth. This was placed on top of the secondary from a selection of books which used geometric and natural imagery. The natural imagery and the features of the face contrast with that of the geometric. This is also affected with the scale of the bodily features, which I have used smaller and bigger versions of the image so the viewer of the work can focus on the features of the face. This piece was inspired by Ashkan Honavar, however I have changed it slightly by using geometric images instead of all natural imagery like Honavar. The similarity between my work and Honavar's is the unproportionate body features which is what relates to the brief as it focuses and reveals the beauty.    

brown paper

graph paper

tracing paper

white paper
To create these collages I first took a photo of a person and then put it into Photoshop to create a black and white image, maiking sure that it was A4 sized and portrait before I printed it off. I then started ripping and cutting up different coloured pieces of paper to create lines and texture. In the end I made two different collages, the first one was made by trying to line up the black and white image with the coloured pieces of paper, with the second I just stuck the coloured paper down randomly on a seperate piece of paper. I then put the printed black and white photo in the paper tray and put the collage into the scanner and photocopied it so it printed onto the black and white photo. I printed onto different papers like brown, tracing and graph paper, it turned out the best one was the random arrangement on brown paper because more texture is shown. The inspiration for this piece came from the artist Andy Warhol however he used screen printing to create his pieces. This relates to the brief as it reveals and conceals certaibn bite of the image.

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