These are my first observational sketches that I have decided to draw to start me off on the illustration brief, sketching from a camera, hat, tin of beans, vase, a dragonfly shaped wallhanging and a tube of cream. I have used simple contour and continuous line drawings out of charcoal, watercolour, black and red biro, coloured pencil and felt tip. These were all sketched on four different coloured post it notes so are very small scale. I think this relates to my brief because of the illustration but also because it matches the idea of the collage part of the brief as it is drawing on something that isn't necessarily used to draw on. the technique that I have used to draw these also matches a collage as not all collages are perfect they are messy and allow people to explore the image just like my sketches.
I have now developed this more towards the brief by sketching people instead of objects. I have used my friends, myself and my family to sketch and have used the same technique of continuous line drawing but this time only out of biro and pencil. I split an A4 sized page up into equal quarters so I could fit four sketches in. I think this idea really matches the brief as it focuses on the bodily features.
To take these sketches further I have photocopied my illustrations and added ink over the top. I chose colours that related to the colours of the hair, eyes and lips and then put dots of ink in those places and blew in different directions so the ink spread. The way the ink has spread, on the eyes especially, makes it look like there are light beams coming out of the eyes this is what relates to the theme of covert and obscure as the ink splodges have revealed something else to me that wasn't seen before.
Using the same technique of continuous line I have created the sketches this time by mixing up all the features and placing it on the wrong people using watercolour to sketch them out. Watercolour allows all the mistakes to show up as I cannot rub them out like pencil and will show up more than the mistakes using pen which links into covert and obscure as it is revealing what wouldn't be seen if it was using pencil, it shows all my thought processes. Mixing up the features of the face, I think defines the features more as where it is placed doesn't look right.
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