This is a piece by Quentin Jones it's called Let me lie with the dogs, using a range of typography, collage and photo to create this quirky piece. Quentin Jones is a London based illustrator and is mainly focused on surreal photographed animations. This is a poster made for 125 Magazine and was a collection of them. I chose to analyse this piece of work because she uses the same techniques that I wish to use in my final piece.
To gain my understanding of her work I have looked at two articles which include an interview with the artist. One of them had a clip about the piece I am looking at so I am able to understand this piece a lot better.
The idea of this piece originally came from the idea of when she was younger if she was sad she would go and lie with the families dogs to make her feel better and so created this piece because she had deadlines that were really close and felt ill. She is "obsessed with the form of the face" and also includes animals like cats and dogs, even though her obsession with cats comes from the fact that she has a phobia of them from when she was younger. She mainly uses animals because she likes the idea of the fur lines and texture you can see from the fur.
Jones has used photography, collage, typography and maybe photoshop to edit the photo. Mixing up the animals with the female form is also something which Jones uses to create a juxtaposition between the and fashion.
Quentin has used mainly black and white, I think this has been done to make it look like the female form and the animal form is different from each other as they are not in the same colour.
Personal response
I chose to look at this because it is quite similar to the work that I previously looked at and uses the female form but this time with animals. When I first saw this work I really liked it shows fashion in a way that you wouldn't normally see. It reminds of the previous artist that I looked at which was Ashkan Honarvar who used the same type of technique. There work has inspired me to add other forms and objects into the piece to make the theme of my work stand out more.
This was really helpful to me as I am writing an analysis on this photograph for my A-Level work :) Thanks for helping me understand it better