initial idea 1
initial idea 2
initial idea 3
For these three initial ideas I used a collage technique, I gathered a range of different coloured and patterned papers and then cut and ripped them into different shapes. This way it adds layering and makes it look more interesting. I used graph, tracing, cream, white, green and pink paper whilst adding in very old vintage photographs. The size of these pieces when folded just go over the size of an A5 sheet. Before designing these we were told to look at Karen Lacroixs' publication as a process collection as it uses a similar idea of adding different patterned paper. I think my designs are slightly different to hers as I have cut quite a bit into mine so it looks like I have used layering where as hers are mainly flat. I think it matches the theme of covert and obscure as it is revealing the unseen by using layers and cutting into it.
I decided to add some of my pieces of experimentation to my first intital ideas adding to these zines has made me realise two of my intial ideas, which I will narrow down to one eventually. The first idea that this has given me is to mess around with the scale of paper, the little strip that came out of the one which I put my designs on looked quite different, especially when I put a smaller version of the Rut Mackel inspired pieces on it so it popped out of the zine. The second idea that it has given me is to engage the reader by letting them continue with messing around with corpses in my own zine which takes the idea of covert and obscure even further. These ideas will be explained more in my initial ideas blog post, I will also create models to make the final piece easier to visualise and it will show any complications I would have if I decide to create it for my final piece.
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